11th International Tribology Conference BULTRIB'15, 11-13 September 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria
The deadlines for Abstract and Full Paper Submission for the 11th International Conference on Tribology BULTRIB'15 have been newly changed in connection with the preparation of the simultaneous conferences BULTRIB’15 and the 70 Year Jubilee Festivity of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University, Sofia. Registration and Abstract Submission for BULTRIB’15 should be done through the website: http://mtf70.tu-sofia.bg.
The Conference BULTRIB’15 is organized by the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University in the period 11 - 13 September 2015 in the Resort House of the Technical University in Sozopol, a picturesque town on the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria. For further information please visit also the website of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists: http://bultrib.com. The 5th Call for BULTRIB'15 and the Template for manuscripts are available.
Abstract deadline 31st May 2015; Full paper deadline 30th June 2015.
Tribology Center, Technical University - Sofia 1756
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva: Mob: +359 893341455; e-mail: kandevam@gmail.com
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova: Mob: +359 877438334; e-mail: emiass@abv.bg
Websites: http://mtf70.tu-sofia.bg, http://bultrib.com
New issue of Tribological Journal BULTRIB Vol. IV, 2014 available.
The Journal includes Proceedings of the 10th International Conference BULTRIB'13, 24-26 October 2013, Technical University, Sofia. • Download •
Issue of Tribological Journal BULTRIB Vol. III, 2012 available.
The Journal includes Proceedings of the 9th International Conference BULTRIB'12, 18-20 October 2012, Technical University, Sofia. • Download •
10th International Conference on Tribology BULTRIB’13 and 2nd CEEPUS Workshop, 24-26.10.2013, Sofia
The Society of Bulgarian Tribologists with the assistance of the Technical University of Sofia organized the 10th International Conference on Tribology BULTRIB’13. The Conference was held on October 24-26, 2013 in the Library Meetings Center of the Technical University-Sofia. 30 delegates from Romania, Serbia, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Slovakia, Taiwan, Republic Srpska, Switzerland and Algeria, and 55 tribologists from Bulgaria took part with 46 paper presentations in 4 oral Section Sessions and one Poster Session. Particular Greeting to BULTRIB’13 and CEEPUS Workshop was sent by the President of the International Tribology Council Prof. H.P.Jost. Plenary papers presented Prof. Nyagol Manolov and Prof. Wilfried Bartz. Company presentation of CSM Instruments – Switzerland was done by Fanny Ecarla.
The second CEEPUS workshop of the first Tribology Network, referring to Project CIII-BG-0703-02-1314 ”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology”, gathering 19 European universities of 10 countries was also part of the Conference BULTRIB’12 and was held in the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia – leading coordinator of the Project. The Project treats the role of tribology in the large and complex scope of reliability engineering and the different tribology-related methods to improve reliability and quality, such as reliability design, component lifetime, condition monitoring, diagnostics. The workshop focused on the e-learning and syllabuses in tribology, quality and reliability in the engineering universities. The project’s website was also discussed.
During the days of the conference, two International Faculty Agreement of Cooperation in the field of Tribology were signed between the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and: the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, Republic Srpska.
In the last day of the Conference, Ocktober 26th, a Conference Trip was organized with a visit to the Exhibition of Panagyurishte Thracian Golden Treasure and the city-museum Koprivshtitsa.
PROGRAM of BULTRIB'13 and CEEPUS Workshop, 24-26 October 2013, Sofia
BULTRIB'12, 18-20 October 2012, Sofia
CEEPUS Workshop and 9th Conference on Tribology BULTRIB’12 dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Prof. DSc. Nyagol ManolovThe Society of Bulgarian Tribologists with the assistance of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University of Sofia and AMTECH organized 9th National Conference on Tribology with International Participation BULTRIB’12 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Prof. Nyagol Manolov. The Conference was held on October 18-20, 2012 in the Library Meetings Center of the Technical University-Sofia. 32 delegates from Romania, Serbia, Russia, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Ukraine and Taiwan, and fifty tribologists from Bulgaria took part with 70 paper presentations. The Conference BULTRIB’12 was accompanied by the biannual Conference of AMTECH - the Association of the Faculties of Machine Technology in Bulgaria. The CEEPUS workshop in the first Tribology Network, referring to Project CIII-BG-0703-01-1213 ”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology”, gathering 19 European universities was also adjunct to the Conference BULTRIB’12 and was held in the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia – leading coordinator of the Project. The Project deals with the role of tribology in the large and complex scope of reliability engineering and the different tribology-related methods to improve reliability and quality, such as reliability design, component lifetime, condition monitoring, diagnostics. During the days of the conference, an International Faculty Agreement of Cooperation in the field of Tribology was signed between the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
The Conference BULTRIB’12 was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Prof. DSc. Nyagol Manolov. Prof. Manolov is the father-founder of Tribology in Bulgaria. He gained the recognition, confidence and affection of his contemporaries; he exerted great influence on their scientific thinking, and gave his energy and inspiration to one idea – the idea of the contact between science, education and civil society. The 80th anniversary of Prof. N. Manolov was celebrated on the level of the Technical University – the Faculty of Industrial Technology and on the international level of tribology at the opening of the Conference BULTRIB’12. Greetings were addressed by the Rector of the Technical University, the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy of Bulgaria, the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists, the Scientific-Technical Unions in Bulgaria, the President of the International Tribology Council Prof. H.P.Jost, the actual President of the Balkan Tribological Association Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis, Prof. D. N. Garkunov, Prof. S. Pytko, Prof. K. Voynov, the Romanian Association of Tribology – Prof. A. Tudor/Prof. M. Ripa, Prof. G. Polzer, and many other universities, organizations and scientists.
Next conference BULTRIB will be held 24-26 October 2013 in Sofia.
BULTRIB'11, 28-29 October 2011, Sofia
Prof. Manolov presents awards at BULTRIB 2011 |
Signing Agreement between the Mechanical Faculties of Sofia and Belgrade |
Session Meeting BULTRIB 2011 |
Delegates gathering in the eve of the Conference BULTRIB'11 |
The National Conference BULTRIB'11 was held on 28-29 October 2011 in the International Meetings Center of the Technical University-Sofia, resuming the tradition of the international participation. 7 delegates from Serbia, Romania and Turkey took part with paper presentations and forty tribologists from Bulgaria with 25 lectures. Greetings were addressed by the Prof. Dr. Georgi Todorov, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. DSc Niagol Manolov, Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy of Bulgaria, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva, Chairman of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists.
At the opening of BULTRIB'11 Prof Manolov presented Prof Dr. Aleksandar Rac from the Tribology Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and Prof. Dr. Minodora Ripa from the Machine Elements Dept., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati, Romania, with Honorary Diplomas and medals of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy for their significant contribution to the development and success of tribology and of the Balkan Tribological Association.
During the days of the conference, of Sofia an International Faculty Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia.