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Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association



Published by Publ. House SciBulCom Ltd, Sofia, since 1994; ISSN 1310-4772  

Until December 2011, 22 books have been published. Since it was founded, JBTA assists in the scientific development and promotion of specialists from the Balkan countries, as well as exchanging information about the state-of-art in the fields of tribology.

New achievement after Balkantrib’08 in Sozopol is the awarding of the Journal with an Impact Factor. In 2009 the Impact Factor of JBTA was 0.103 and in 2010 it has grown up to 0.182. Now the Journal is indexed in Chemical Abstracts – USA, Journal of Citation Reports, Elsevier Bibliographic database, and Referativnii Zhurnal – Chemistry and VINITI – Russia. In 2006 was created the webpage of JBTA within the Internet site of the SciBulCom Ltd., where the content of every book is published.

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Journal of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy, Sofia



Published by Publ. House TEMTO, Sofia, since 2000; ISSN 1311-7939

The Journal CONTACTS is the organ and edition of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy (INGA) Sofia, published quarterly.

Original research work in the form of papers, short communications, reviews and current information related to the problems of the interdisciplinary sciences and the civil society are published.

Following topics are in the scope of the journal:

  • Tribology as interdisciplinary science;
  • Civil doctrine of the development of science, techniques and education;
  • Interdisciplinary knowledge and civil awareness;
  • The model example in the aspect of the civil doctrine.

Tribological Journal BULTRIB



The four issues of Tribological journal BULTRIB are published by the Publ. House TEMTO (Vol.1) and the Publishing House of the Technical University - Sofia since 2010, under ISSN 1313-9878.

The Journal reflects the articles of the annual International Conference BULTRIB, which the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and the Technical University - Sofia organize in a regular basis on crucial aspects of tribological research, or related to tribology conceptual, technical, innovation and technological applications.

It reveals the strong potential for excellent research and technological development and for disseminating and converting the results of tribology into social and economic benefits. The basis is the past and current investments and achievements in relevant areas of research and its application. The papers expose analysis of past experience and successes in the National, Regional and European projects and programs and provide international comparison of education, research and application in industry of the tribological knowledge.


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Manolov, N. 2007 The Contact Approach: atomizing, harmonization, integ Ed. TEMTO, Sofia, 428 p., in Bulgarian  
Manolov N, Е. Assenova, М. Kandeva 2005 Conception for the development of tribology in Bulgaria Ed. Sv. Ivan Rilski, Sofia, 180 p., in Bulgarian  
Manolov N., М. Kandeva 2004 Mechanics in interdisciplinary style Ed. Sv. Ivan Rilski, Sofia, 509 p., (manual) in Bulgarian  

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E. Assenova, V. Majstorovic, A. Vencl, M. Kandeva 2012 GREEN TRIBOLOGY AND QUALITY OF LIFE International Convention on Quality 2012, Belgrade (Serbia), 05-07.06.2012, Proceedings, p.p. 32-38, Published in: Advanced Quality, 40, 2, p.p.26-32, 2012
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G. Polzer, E. Assenova, Dr. Tsermaa 2012 COPPER FRICTIONAL COATINGS UNDER CONDITIONS OF SELECTIVE TRANSFER Tribological Journal BULTRIB, vol. 3, 2012 (Papers from the Conference BULTRIB'12)
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