Tribology in Bulgaria. Beginning and Advance.
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Prof. N. Manolov and collaborators, Laboratory of Tribology, TU-Sofia, 1975 |
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In the Laboratory of Tribology, TU-Sofia, 1978 |
1963 Prof. Georgi Danov established the Laboratory of Contact Mechanics at the Higher Institute of Electricity and Machines "Lenin" – Sofia (now Technical University – Sofia). Based on this laboratory in
1974 Prof. Nyagol Manolov founded the Laboratory of Tibology, which developed in Coordination Center on Tribology and Tribology Center. In
1975 Section on friction and wear in machines at the Scientific-Technical Unions of Machine building was founded. In the period
1984-1989 was the preparation (in 1984 at the International Conference Intertribo, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia) and admission (1985) of Bulgaria as member of the International Tribology Council, directed by Prof. H.P.Jost, as well as the preparation and admission of Bulgaria as member of the International Council of Selective Transfer and Frictional Coatings - ICSTFC, guided by Prof. D. N. Garkunov and Prof. Gottlieb Polzer; the Conception for the development of tribology in Bulgaria up to the year 2000 was also developed and published.
1993 г. is the year of the legal establishment of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists (SBT), a non-profit organization.
Society of Bulgarian Tribologists
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Tribomafia, Strbske Pleso (High Tatras), Slovakia, Intertribo - 1984 |
1993 is an important year with one more event: the Balkan Conference BALKANTRIB and the Balkan Tribological Association were established in Sofia, Bulgaria with member-countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia and the FYR of Macedonia.
1994 - the publishing of the Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association JBTA started at the Publishing House "SciBulCom", Sofia; International Conference of Selective Transfer and Frictional Coatings of the Council ICSTFC was organized and carried out at the Technical University - Sofia.
Followed: the establishment of the Interdisciplinary Seminar of Ecology and Ecological Crises; founding and regular meetings of the Interdisciplinary club "Sofia"; organizing the scientific-technological sessions "CONTACT", advance in the publish activities with the editing of proceedings, printed materials, monthly newspaper – now a journal "CONTACTS" through the Publishing House "TEMTO".
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The staff of the Tribology Center, TU-Sofia, 1984 |
In 1999 the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy INGA was founded legally, based on the ideas and development of the tribology – exemplary science of interdisciplinarity.
On 27th April 2002 a group of specialists founded the National Expert Tribology Council (NECT) as a part of the structures of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy. Basic purpose of NECT is to enter the acting in the country tribological network using the tribological knowledge for the identification of problems and their solving by groups of experts. It is necessary to look at the research work of tribologists from a business glance of a moderate commercialization.
On 4th December 2004 an Interuniversity Seminar "Tribology and Interdisciplinarity"in the name of Prof. DSc N. Manolov was established at the Tribology Canter of the Technical University - Sofia.
The object of the Seminar is to expose and solve actual problems of tribology as interdisciplinary science, discussing and developing common projects for participation in competitions, for theoretical and experimental work, methodological, technological, organizational, and other questions.
Bulgarian tribology on the Balkans and in Europe
The identification of the BTA under the name of BALKANTRIB accompanied the First Balkan Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB '93 held October 1-3, 1993 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Balkan Tribological Association was founded with member countries Bulgaria, FYRoM, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia. The event had obviously impressed the tribological tribe in Europe and Overseas (See the review "Tribology in the Balkans" published in May/June issue 1995 of Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, pp. 37-39). Enclosed hereafter are the Decisions of BALKANTRIB '93.
Decisions of the Round Table of BALKANTRIB'93 for "Founding of the Balkan Tribological Association": Taking into account the high potential of tribology, its real structures and the achievements of the specialists of the Balkan Region, the Round Table of BALKANTRIB '93 held on 01.10.1993, in the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria, as a Founding Assembly of the Balkan Tribological Association DECIDED:
1. To found Balkan Tribological Association.
2. The main purpose of the Balkan Tribological Association is integration, multiplication and development of tribology on the Balkans, considering the specificity of this region, as a whole and of the different countries in it, in accordance with the statute of the International Council of Tribology and those of the National Tribological Societies.
3. The regional Balkan Conference BALKANTRIB should be considered as a General Assembly. It should be held in period of every three years, in different countries of the region.
4. The governing body responsible for the Balkan Tribological Association between the conferences should be the Balkan Council of Tribology, represented by its President, Secretary and Members. The maximum number of Balkan Council of Tribology members is not more than 15 persons.
5. The first Balkan Council of Tribology is elected by the General Assembly (Round Table of BALKANTRIB'93).
6. The Balkan Council of Tribology is founded and has the mandate of three years. The first mandate of the Balkan Tribological Association and of the Balkan Council of Tribology is given to the Republic Bulgaria.
7. The Balkan Council of Tribology accepts members of the Tribological Association and determines the time and the place of the next conference.
8. The financial expenses of the Balkan Council of Tribology are on account of the National Tribological Society which has taken the consecutive mandate.
9. As members of the Balkan Tribological Association can participate all tribologists (physical persons) from the region and as corresponding members - tribologists out of this region. Collective members can also participate as members in the Balkan Tribological Association, for instance local and/or national tribological societies registered by law.
10. The main purposes of the first Balkan Tribological Association are: - increasing the membership of the Balkan Tribological Association; - organization of the editing and publishing of a Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association; - developing and proposing of the idea for foundation of the Balkan University for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Technologies.
Message to all Participants of BALKANTRIB '93 from Prof. H. PETER JOST, CBE DSc DTech DEng, President — International Tribology Council
The next conferences BALKANTRIB were as follows: BALKANTRIB'96, Thessaloniki, Greece; BALKANTRIB'99, Sinaya, Romania; BALKANTRIB'02, Kayseri, Turkey; BALKANTRIB'05, Kragujevac, Serbia, BALKANTRIB'08, Sozopol, Bulgaria, BALKANTRIB'11, Thessaloniki, Greece.
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Opening of BALKANTRIB'08, Sozopol |
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Prof. Manolov presenting awards |
The 6th International Conference on Tribology "BALKANTRIB'08" was carried out in the period 12-14 June 2008 In the Holiday House of the Technical University – Sofia in the city of Sozopol.
The organization of "BALKANTRIB'08" was realized by the International Scientific Committee with Presidents Prof. H. P. Jost, President of ITC and Prof. DSc N. Manolov, and members: Prof. DSc. С. Иванов; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Е. Assenova; Prof. Dr. K.-D. Bouzakis; Prof. Dr. S. Mitsi; Prof. Dr. N. N. Antonescu; Prof. Dr. A. Tudor; Prof. Dr. B. Ivkovic; Prof. Dr. A. Rac; Prof. Dr. M. Babic, Prof. Dr. M.B. Karamis; Prof. Dr. D. Odabis; and National Organizing Committee: Prof. DSc N. Manolov; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Y. Genov - Dean of the Faculty of Machine Technology at the TU – Sofia; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Е. Assenova - Chairman of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists; Prof. DSc M. Mihovski; Prof. DSc Sl. Ivanov; Prof. DSc K. Stanulov; Prof. Dr. V. Alexandrov; Prof. Dr. I. Dombalov; Prof. DSc I. Mitov; Prof. Dr. Yu. Simeonova; Prof. Dr. P. Kolev; Assoc. Prof. Dr.G. Mishev; Assoc. Prof. Dr.N. Kostova; Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Petkova; Assoc. Prof. Dr.V. Dobrev; Ass. Prof. Dr. M. Kandeva; Assoc. Prof. Dr.V. Pojidaeva.
130 papers were presented. The conference was attended by delegates from Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Poland, France, Austria, Slovakia, Belgium, Switzerland, USA, Italy, Russia, Byelorussia, and Croatia.
Officially invited lecturers were Prof. DSc. Jean Frene of the University of Poitiers, France; Prof. Dr. Friedrich Franek of the TU - Vienna, Prof. DSc. Nikolay Mishkin of the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences; Prof. DSc. Genadii Zaikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Prof. Dr. Andrzei Kotnarovski and Prof. Dr. Danuta Kotnarovska of the University of Radom, Poland; Dr. Michel Roegiers, E-ION Additives, Belgium; Prof. Dr. Vladimir Semenov, Aviation Technical University, Uffa, Russia; Paolo Bariani, representative of CETR - California and Schaefer SouthEast Europe S.R.L, Rovigo, Italy.
The President of the International Tribology Council, Prof. H.P.Jost and the founders of the Balkan Tribological Association and the Conference BALKANTRIB – Prof. Bouzakis, Prof.Dan Pavelescu, Prof. Ivkovic and Prof. Karamis were awarded diplomas of Honorary Doctor of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy INGA by the President of INGA Prof. N. Manolov.
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Dinner party |
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Exhibition of carpets with tribological subjects |
The following exhibitions were shown at the Conference:
• Prof. Hakan Kaleli (the Technical University – Istanbul) and Prof. Zeynep Kaleli (Faculty of Design and Art - the University Sakaria - Istanbul) presented in a national style models of tribological products and tribotechnics (drawings, diagrams, pictures) worked in carpets; • the company "CSM-Instruments" - Switzerland, leader in the production of tribotesting instruments; • "CETR - USA", Center of Tribology, California - world leader in the tribotesting apparatuses and tribomaterials;
• Schaefer SouthEast Europe S.R.L, Rovigo, Italy; • Series of tribological journals edited in the UK.
With the carrying out of the Conference BALKANTRIB'08 Bulgaria, i.e. the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and the Laboratory of Tribology – at the Technical University – Sofia, obtained the mandate of host of the Balkan tribological Association and continued with organizing of some initiatives in the development of the science, technologies and education in tribology in the country and in the region. The Managing Committee of BTA took the decision the next Conference BALKANTRIB to be in 2011 in Greece.
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Franciscan Monastery in Pisa, 2009 |
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During a break of Ecotrib sessions, Pisa, 2009 |
The biennial European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB 2009, June 2009, has taken place in Pisa, Italy.
The city of Pisa is situated in western Tuscany, not far from the Mediterranean Sea. Its urban plan of reduced dimensions presents continuous testimony of historical events and cultural epochs that reflects its millenary development. Thus, within the medieval heart of the city, archaeological findings emerge from the Etruscan and Roman Pisa, and monuments have been standing since it was a Maritime Republic. The Conference was held in the recently restored building F of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Pisa, a few hundreds metres from the well known Piazza dei Miracoli and its Leaning Tower.
The 2nd European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2009) is the second biennial Conference primarily focused on the economy and industrial landscape of central and southern Europe. This event is co-organized by the Italian Tribology Association, the Austrian Tribology Society, the Slovenian Society for Tribology, and Swiss Tribology. The Conference coincides also with the 7th AIMETA International Tribology Conference (AITC), organised by the Tribology Group of AIMETA that merged in this Conference since 2007.
ECOTRIB 2009 provided an international forum for researchers from industry and academia to discuss the latest developments in Tribology, covering friction, wear and lubrication. Tribology bears on almost every aspect of our daily lives. It is the underpinning science and technology which has the potential to impact positively on all aspects of our health, wealth and quality of life, including how we generate and conserve energy, reduce friction and wear, and preserve our environment. The purpose of ECOTRIB is to offer an opportunity to examine the state of the art and a perspective of scientific and technological achievements in selected areas through invited speakers. Conference aims are also to provide researchers with a forum to present their findings and to provide practitioners with a way to relate their experience and solutions to specific topics.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva participated at the Conference ECOTRIB’2009 with 2 paper presentations.
On 19–21 January 2010 in Stuttgart /Ostfildern, Germany the 17-th International Colloquium on Tribology "Solving Friction and Wear Problems" was organized by the Technische Akademie Esslingen ( under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Wilfried J. Bartz.
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17. Tribology Colloquium, Ostfildern, 2010 |
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Exhibition Room |
The Colloquium focuses on discussing and solving tribological problems connected to practice. For 45 years "Tribology" as a term related to friction, wear, and lubrication has found its way into the awareness of numerous experts who are concerned with the unacceptable effects of friction and wear, and who have to find solutions to minimize these effects. It has become clear that the lubricant alone is insufficient to solve the relevant problems. On the contrary, it is the last link in the chain that begins with the designing of the tribological contact and includes materials selection, metal cutting, and forming as well as surface treatment. Much has been achieved in these years but quite a number of questions still wait for satisfactory solutions.
For this purpose, this colloquium aims at facilitating the exchange of expert knowledge from all over the world. Bulgaria has been presented with 4 papers by 3 delegates - Prof. DSc Georgi Mishev, Assoc. Prof. Dr Emilia Essenova and Ass. Prof. Stefan Dishliev.
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Prof. G. Polzer greets Prof. Garkunov with his 90th anniversary, Moscow, 2010 |
International Conference "Tribology and Ecology" on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Prof. Dmitrii N. Garkunov, 22-23 April 2010 in Moscow
International Scietific-Practical Conference "Tribology and Ecology" (science, education, practice) was held in the period 22-23 April 2010 in Moscow. The solemn opening of the conference included awarding of Prof. D. N. Garkunov with Diploma and Medal for Doctor Honoris Causa of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy in Sofia, by the representatives of Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Viara Pojidaeva, on the occasion of his 90th anniversary and in connection with his outstanding achievements and service in the development of tribology. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva presented also a paper entitled: Tribological model and analysis of the demographic growth of human population.
Ten plenary papers and 58 sectional papers of different countries were presented at the conference, e.g.:
Green Tribology Achievements and Challenges, by Prof. H. P. Jost, President of the International Tribology Council (Great Britain);
Friction Coating in Conditions of Selective Transfer, by Prof. Gottlieb Polzer (Germany), honorary member of RF Academy of Quality Issues.
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Excursion in the Salt mines Wielicka near Krakow, INSYCONT 2010 |
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Celebration of the 80th anniversary of Prof. Pytko, Symposium INSYCONT, 2010, Krakow |
International Conference INSYCONT 2010, Cracow, Poland
The Conference INSYCONT 2010 in Cracow, Poland held from 7th to 9th July 2010, was dedicated to the 80th jubilee of Prof. DSc Stanislaw Pytko. A HONORARY DIPLOMA and MEDAL from the International Civil Academy of Sofia with President Prof. DSc Nyagol Manolov, for his significant contribution to the organizing, development and achievments in the field of Tribology was presented to Prof. Pytko by Assoc. Prof. Dr Mara Kandeva and Assoc. Prof. Dr Emilia Assenova.
The Conference INSYCONT is organized since 1982 at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. The scope embraces the following topics: Increasing the energy efficiency of friction pairs; Increasing the service life of friction pairs; Energy savings in anti-wear technologies; Ecological lubricants and lubrication systems; Isolation of friction pairs against energy and mass exchange with the environment. One plenary and two session papers were presented by Mara Kandeva and Emiilia Assenova.
The website of the Conference:
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The Section Tribology and Tribotechnologies, Sozopol 2010, presenting of medals |
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Session of the Section Tribology and Tribotechnologies |
From 13 to 16 September 2010 in Sozopol, Bulgaria, the International Jubilee Conference of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University of Sofia with a new section „Tribology and Tribotechnologies" was held. The Program of this Section included also a Meeting of the Managing Committee of the Balkan Tribological Association (BTA) with the following agenda:
Discussion on the proposal for establishing a "College for Experts of the Balkan Tribological Association"; Proposals of the BTA member-countries for awarding a honorary academic degrees of the Interdisciplinary Civil Academy (Bulgaria) to eminent tribologists; Founding a Scientific Expert Tribological Council of the Balkan Tribological Association to the Interdisciplinary Civil Academy.
The meeting was chaired by the President of BTA Assoc. Prof. Mara Kandeva and the following decisions were taken:
- The BTA create International Academic School BALKANTRIB as a branch of the Interdisciplinary Civil Academy INGA, with abbreviation MASH-BALKANTRIB-INGA and subject of activity: preparation of highly qualified specialists, as well as of academic specialists, teachers and researchers in tribology; informational, organizational and scientific-methodological activities related to the development of the civil society.
- The Management of the School to be of three members: Assoc. Prof. Dr Mara Kandeva, Director; Assoc. Prof. Dr Emilia Assenova, Mediator and Assoc. Prof. Dr Nikola Tonchev, Vice director.
- The head quarter of the School is 5A Slavianska Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria.
During the meeting the following Balkan tribologists got awards HONORARY DIPLOMA and MEDAL from the International Civil Academy of Sofia with President Prof. DSc Nyagol Manolov, for their significant contribution to the organizing, development and success of the Balkan Tribological Association and BALKANTRIB:
Prof. Dr Niculae N. Antonescu, Romania; Prof. Dr Miroslav Babic, Serbia; Prof. DSc Slavi Ivanov, Bulgaria; Prof. Dr Hakan Kaleli, Turkey; Prof. Dr Andrei Tudor, Romania.
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"Round table" |
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Meeting in Dean's office |
The Serbian Tribology Society and the Faculty of Engineering Science in Kragujevac (Serbia) organized the 12th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB '11 from 11 to 13 May 2011. Participants from many countries, among them the USA, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Belarus, etc. took part. Professor Bharat Bhushan from The Ohio State University, Director of the Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics gave a lecture: Nanotribology, Nanomechanics and Materials Characterization Studies and Applications to Bio/nanotechnology and Biomimetics. The lecture was open-access type. Professor Bhushan was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
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Plenary Session, 6th Conference TQM, Belgrade, June 2011 |
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During the paper presentations, 6th Conference TQM, Belgrade, 2011 |
The 6th International Working Conference Total Quality Management (IWC TQM) – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches was held from 6 to 11 June 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia and was organized by the Belgrade University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Laboratory for Production Metrology and CIRP, Paris, France. This traditional Conference was held as a part of International Quality Convention, Belgrade - 2011. Main Patron of the Conference was Carlsberg, Serbia and sponsors were: CIRP, Paris, France; Ministry for Science and Technology, Serbia; Informatics, Belgrade; National Institute for Metrology, Belgrade; Metalic Holding, Gornji Milanovac; Company Actavis, Leskovac; Fresenius Medical Care, Belgrade; Institute for Nuclear Science 'Vinca' – Department for certification, Belgrade; Microelectronica S.A., Bucharest, Romania; Company ‘’Sloboda’’, Cacak; Gemont, Belgrade.
What is IWC TQM? The Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Belgrade, that is, its Laboratory for Production Metrology and TQM established this Conference in 2001, with the support of the best-known scientific and professional organizations in the country and the world. The first Conference was held from 24th to 27th June, 2001 at Palic, the second from 26th to 28th May, 2003 in Kragujevac, the third from 30th May to 1st June, 2005 in Belgrade, and the 4th and the 5th in May 2007 and 2009, also in Belgrade. 250 participants attended the 6th Conference from 25 countries including Australia, Asia, Europe, South and North America. Three plenary sessions, 7 paper sessions, two workshops, a round table discussions and an industrial visit were held.
Bulgaria had 2 delegates, Prof. DSc Georgi Mishev and Ass. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova, presenting 3 papers: Actual problems of quality and management of engineering education and knowledge by Mara Kandeva, Emilia Assenova, Margarita Daneva; Modeling and estimation of the geometric quality of machined workpieces on CNC machine tools and conventional lathe by P. Marten, D. Danov, G. Mishev; Tribodynamics and evolution of human population in Europe and worldwide by Mara Kandeva, Margarita Manolova.
The main objective of the 6th TQM Conference was to provide an international forum around the world for the exchange of knowledge, experience, research results and information about various aspects of the state-of-the-art and the future development of total quality management. The scope of the Conference covers philosophical, scientific and practical concepts concerning research, development and application of TQM-based advanced approaches. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Business excellence models (applications and development trends); TQM & manufacturing management; World class performance; Attractive quality; Robust engineering; Six sigma model; Intelligent quality tools and methods; Virtual factory and virtual quality; Intelligent metrology in manufacturing; Intelligent and virtual CMM; Business process improvement; Breakthrough management; Organizational Excellence; Intelligent design for quality; Intelligent Business; Quality in Higher Education; Quality of the Public Services / health care; Advanced Quality approaches; Digital engineering/manufacturing; Manufacture initiative and Micro-nano manufacturing / Metrology.
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7th Conference BALKANTRIB'11, Thessaloniki |
The International Scientific October Fest "Engineering Production and Tribology" was held in Thessaloniki in the period 3 to 5 October 2011. The Conference BALKANTRIB'11 was one of the conferences in this Fest. The Conference "A" Coatings (Surface Coatings) is the result of the common efforts of four academic institutions: Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EEΔΜ), Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, the Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW), University of Hannover, the Laboratory for Manufacturing Technology (LFT), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Institute of Surface Engineering (IOT), RWTH Aachen University. "A" Coatings is carried out in Greece and Germany consecutively, Greece being host of this last 9th Conference. ICMEN, The International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (the 7th Conference in this Fest) was established during the Hellenic Chairmanship of EUREKA 2001‐2002 (, attaining in strengthening synergies between people involved in scientific research and those having to meet the rapidly increasing demands of industrial applications. The second (1996) and the seventh (3-5 октомври 2011) Conferences BALKANTRIB were held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The International Conferences BalkanTrib are supported by the Balkan Tribological Association, they are organized every three years since 1993, in various Balkan countries and aim at the collaboration stimulation between Balkan and other countries for developing research and development in tribology, as well as application aspects like innovative products and services. The International Scientific October Fest gathered 250 participants of different countries, which presented the last achievements in their spheres in the three conference rooms of the Hotel Makedonia Palace.
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The Cocktail Meeting |
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Part of the Bulgarian delegation |
The Balkan Tribological Association (BTA) Board Meeting took place in Amphitryon Ballroom of the Makedonia Palace hotel, on October 5th 2011, at 17.15. Chairman was Professor K.-D. Bouzakis, following members of the BTA were present: A. Michailidis, S. Mitsi, I. Tsiafis (Greece), Mitrovic Slobodan, B. Skoric, Vencl Aleksandar (Serbia), H. Cimenoglu, M.B. Karamis, C. Sinanoglu (Turkey), N.N. Andonescu, A. Tudor (Romania), E. Assenova, S. Ivanov, M. Kandeva, N. Manolov, M. Manolova-Daneva (Bulgaria). Obituaries were held for Prof. G. Petropoulos, Greece and Prof. Emanuel Diaconescu, Romania. The mandate of the chairmanship of BTA was passed by the Bulgarian party to the Greek team for the next 3 years. For the general report of the last mandate of BTA, reports from all countries are gathered, and should be unified and then published. The actualized status of Balkan Tribological Association : Until now, six countries are members of the Balkan Tribological Association (BTA), Bulgaria, FYROM, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. An invitation to other countries such as of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Russia, Slovenia should be sent, for becoming members of BTA. Each BTA member country of should investigate for contact persons in these potential candidate countries. It was suggested, that Professor Bouzakis receive this information and send invitation letters. In case of new entries, the BTA Board to be changed.
Information about the Journal of BTA: The impact factor of the journal is 0,182 (2011), rising from 0,101 in 2008, due to high scientific level of the papers published. The publishing of larger papers’ number was proposed for increasing the impact factor. As far as some statistics are concerned, 60% of the papers come from Balkan countries and the rest 40% from other countries worldwide. Manuscripts from 47 different countries have been published, with the majority dealing with chemicals. The scientific areas should cover other categories too, such as Mechanics, Bio-engineering, Surface Engineering, etc. Turkey has stated that the papers have to be reviewed strictly, since the papers’ scientific level increases the journal quality and the impact factor as well. Promotion via Internet. A journal website, with facilities of electronic paper submission should be created. Prof. Mitrovic expresses his interest to create a first version of the website of BTA. The financial matters were also discussed.
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Lunch time |
International School in Tribology (IST) and Statute of BTA. Professor Manolov and Professor Kandeva highlighted the planned International School in Tribology (IST) and some changes in the Statute of BTA, as it was discussed in the previous BTA-Meeting in Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2010. Since all countries of BTA have not received the minutes from the Board Meeting in Sozopol, including discussions for the International School in Tribology, it was proposed, this issue to be discussed in a meeting organized especially for this purpose. The Bulgarian delegation insisted on making a decision concerning the operation of IST. Since all other delegates were not prepared for making a decision, they will receive information and decide whether they participate to IST and under which conditions. Decision should be taken at the next Meeting of BTA. Bulgaria passed the mandate of chairmanship of BTA to the Greek party for the next three years. For the period 2011-2014 the President of BTA will be Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis, Vice-president will be Prof. A. Mihailidis, both of the Aristoteles University in Thessaloniki. It has been decided that all questions related to BTA should be addressed to Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis. A decision was taken that the next conference BALKANTRIB’14 should be in Romania. The next meeting of the Managing Committee of BTA should be organized in 2012 by the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EEΔΜ) at the Aristoteles University, Thessaloniki.
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Prof. Manolov presents awards at BULTRIB 2011 |
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Signing Agreement between the Mechanical Faculties of Sofia and Belgrade |
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Session Meeting BULTRIB 2011 |
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Delegates gathering in the eve of the Conference BULTRIB'11 |
The National Conference BULTRIB’11 was held on October 28-29, 2011 in the International Meetings Center of the Technical University-Sofia, resuming the tradition of the international participation. 7 delegates from Serbia, Romania and Turkey took part with paper presentations and forty tribologists from Bulgaria with 25 lectures. Greetings were addressed by the Prof. Dr. Georgi Todorov, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. DSc Niagol Manolov, Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy of Bulgaria, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva, Chairman of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists.
At the opening of BULTRIB’11 Prof Manolov presented Prof Dr. Aleksandar Rac from the Tribology Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and Prof. Dr. Minodora Ripa from the Machine Elements Dept., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati, Romania, with Honorary Diplomas and medals of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy for their significant contribution to the development and success of tribology and of the Balkan Tribological Association.
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During the days of the conference, of Sofia an International Faculty Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Now, 37 years after the launch of the word TRIBOLOGY in Bulgaria, the ideas of tribology have still not found pace in the development of science and technology in a persuasive manner. Tribology seeks more and more adherents. It is necessary a well-built Contact Network to be established in our country and in the Balkans in the sphere of tribology and the interdisciplinary sciences, having disposal of teams of specialists, which know and can solve tribological problems, and have the willingness to share this knowledge and skills with others who need them and are ready to learn how to solve problems. To have advanced information in the field of tribology. To know tribology. And to need it. To know where to find it, how to find it, whom to ask about it. Then to know what to do with it. Let us encourage those who seek solutions. To shorten the distance between us, between us and the business, between us and the governmental and non-profit organizations. Not to begin every time from zero, but to use the existing and gathered knowledge, and the experience on hand. In order that our way be easier.